Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

Computer Science – GCSE 

Qualification: WJEC GCSE in Computer Science

Course Overview

The WJEC GCSE in Computer Science has been designed to give an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer science and a broad scope of study opportunities.  Computers are used widely in all aspects of business, industry, government, education, leisure and home.  Through studying computer science, you will learn how computers work and how they are used in the solution of a variety of problems 

You will have the opportunity to:

  • understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including; abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms, and data representation
  • analyse problems in computational terms through practical experience of solving such problems, including designing, writing and debugging programs to do so
  • think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically
  • understand the components that make up digital systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems
  • understand the impacts of digital technology to the individual and to wider society
  • apply your mathematical skills

Computer science demands both logical discipline and imaginative creativity and integrates well with other subjects across the curriculum.

Prior Learning

There are no specific prior learning requirements. This qualification should prepare you to be able to study Computer Science at AS or A-level or similar and is also a worthwhile course if you do not want to progress to further study in this area.

Course Content

The course comprises 3 units:

Unit 1 –  Understanding Computer Science 

(written exam; 50% of the qualification)

Unit 2 – Computational Thinking and Programming 

(on screen assessment; 30% of the qualification)

Unit 3 – Software Development

(controlled assessment completed over a total of 20 hours; 20% of the qualification.)

Course Specification:

WJEC GCSE in Computer Science