Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

English Literature – GCSE

Qualification: WJEC GCSE in English Literature

Course Overview

This popular course allows you to gain a separate, second GCSE in English. This course centres around the study of various forms of well-known literature, including novels, plays, and poetry. Through studying a broad range of texts, you will develop your ability to analyse the impact of style, language, structure and form. You will also learn how to analyse connections between texts, comparing features and qualities that connect and contrast the presentation of themes, characters and settings.

You are assessed through two examinations making up a total of 75% of your final grade. You will sit one examination in the summer of year 10, and the other in the summer of year 11. You are also required to complete two non-examination assessments (NEAs) during the two-year course. These essays account for the remaining 25% of your marks.

There are two tiers of entry Higher Tier, in which grades A* – D are available and Foundation Tier where grades B – G are available. 

Prior Learning

There are no specific prior learning requirements, however, this course builds on the Programmes of Study for English at KS3.

This qualification should prepare you to be able to study English Language or Literature at A-level.

Course Content

The course is comprised of the following:

Unit 1 – Prose and Poetry: Examination worth 35% of the overall grade

Unit 2 – Drama and Prose: Examination worth 40% of the overall grade

Unit 3 – Shakespeare and Welsh Poetry: Non-examination assessments, worth 25% of the overall grade

Units 1 and 2 are each assessed with a 2-hour written examination. 

Course Specification:

WJEC GCSE in English Literature