Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

Information and Creative Technologies BTEC

Qualification: Pearson BTEC Level1/2 First Award in Information and Creative Technologies

Course Overview

ICT has an impact on virtually every aspect of our daily lives. Being able to use ICT tools effectively is essential for life in a world where ICT is constantly changing. Individuals will increasingly need technological and information literacy skills that include the ability to gather, process and manipulate data. These skills are now as essential as the traditional skills of numeracy and literacy. The impact of ICT on society is enormous and as the percentage of businesses and households connected to communication networks such as the Internet grows, so does the need for individuals who can master and manipulate these new technologies. ICT integrates well with all other subjects across the curriculum.  

Through this vocational course, you will:

  • learn to become technology savvy –  a producer of technology products and systems
  • gain a broad understanding and knowledge of the Information Technology sector and some aspects of the creative industries e.g. electronic publishing or multimedia production
  • explore the fundamentals of technology and gain the practical skills, knowledge and understanding to design, make and review  information technology systems and products, e.g. a relational database
  • have the potential opportunity to enter employment within a wide range of job roles across the Information Technology sector and some aspects of the creative industries, such as Software Engineer, Website Content Manager, Computer Animator and Graphic Designer

Prior Learning

No specific prior learning requirements although an interest in information and communication technologies would be useful.

Course Content

Over the course of two years, you will complete 4 units. Two of these are mandatory (Unit 1 & 3) and two optional which has been chosen by the school (Units 9 & 10).

Unit 1: The Online World

In this unit, you will investigate online services and online communication, investigate components of the internet and how digital devices exchange and store information, investigate issues with operating online.

Unit 3: A Digital Portfolio

In this unit, you will design, create, test and review a digital portfolio.

Unit 9: Spreadsheet Development 

In this unit, you will understand the uses of spreadsheets and the features available in spreadsheet software packages, design a spreadsheet, develop and test a spreadsheet.

Unit 10: Database Development 

In this unit, you will understand the uses of and tools/techniques used in databases, design a relational database, develop and test and review the database.

Course Specification:

Pearson BTEC Level1/2 First Award in Information and Creative Technologies