Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

Mathematics & Numeracy – GCSE 

Qualification: WJEC GCSE in Mathematics and WJEC GCSE in Mathematics – Numeracy

Course Overview

Mathematics is all around us. It forms the basis of many things that we take for granted in our daily lives. Mathematical concepts and procedures are used to solve problems in engineering, science and economics; and space travel, satellites, mobile phones and other modern technologies would not exist without Mathematics. These days, even sports rely heavily on Mathematics to analyse performance and build improvement. Through Mathematics, we can explore and define relationships and model and solve problems that arise in many areas of life.

GCSE Mathematics and GCSE Mathematics Numeracy build on the levels of maths and numeracy expected at the end of KS3 through the National Curriculum Programme of study.

GCSE Numeracy encourages you to be confident and develop your skills using mathematics that you will need in your everyday lives, in the world of work and in other curriculum areas. You will need to be able to apply the mathematics that you have learnt in context.

GCSE Maths will extend your learning to aspects of mathematics needed for progression to scientific, technical or further mathematical study.

GCSE Mathematics and GCSE Mathematics Numeracy are two separate qualifications. In both qualifications, you will develop and apply your skills and knowledge in numbers, algebra, geometry, statistics and probability.

There are three tiers of entry for both qualifications:

  • Higher Tier: Grades A* – C
  • Intermediate Tier: Grades B – E
  • Foundation Tier: Grades D – G 

Prior Learning

Although there are no prior learning requirements for either GCSE, it is advised that pupils who achieve a level 7 or above at the end of Key Stage 3 be entered for the higher tier examinations.

Pupils achieving a level 6 at the end of Key Stage 3 should be entered for the intermediate tier and pupils who achieved a level 5 or lower, the foundation tier.

Course Content

In this course, you will develop a wide range of skills in number, measure, statistics & probability and algebra.

Each GCSE will be assessed by a written exam and will consist of two units per GCSE. The written paper for each tier will comprise a number of short and longer, both structured and unstructured questions. Some questions will use a multiple-choice assessment.

Unit 1: Non-calculator, written examination (50% of qualification)

Unit 2: Calculator allowed, written examination (50% of qualification) 

Course Specification:

WJEC GCSE in Mathematics and WJEC GCSE in Mathematics – Numeracy