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Media Studies – GCSE 

Qualification: WJEC GCSE in Media Studies

Course Overview

The aim of this course is to gain an understanding of the main media industries of:

  • newspapers,
  • magazines,
  • advertising,
  • music,
  • gaming,
  • TV
  • film.

You will learn how texts are constructed to target specific audiences and contain specific representations.   There is a blend of both analytical and creative work involved which will enhance opportunities if you are interested in further study or work in the creative/digital industries or in the humanities area. 

The controlled assessment for this course is worth 40% of the overall marks so this course is ideally suited for you if you are someone able to work on a large project as well as being able to study for exams.  There are many essays to write throughout the course and there are opportunities to learn complex media and analytical theories.

If you consider yourself to be a creative and analytical person, and if you have an interest in any of the industries mentioned above then this might be the course for you.

Prior Learning

There are no specific prior learning requirements.

This qualification should prepare you to be able to study Media at AS or A-level or similar and is also a worthwhile course if you do not want to progress to further study in this area. 

Course Content

There are two examinations:

Unit 1: Exploring the Media

Written examination, 1 hour 30 minutes

Section A: Representations – advertising, video games and newspapers.

This section of the exam will assess your knowledge and understanding of the representations of gender and events in relation to advertising, video games and newspapers.

Section B: Music.

This section of the exam will assess knowledge and understanding of media language, representation, media industries and audiences.

Unit 2: Understanding television and Film 

Written examination, 1 hour 30 minutes

Section A: Wales on Television

This section will assess knowledge of media industries, audiences, media language and representation.

Section B: Contemporary Hollywood Film

This section will assess knowledge and understanding of media industries, audiences, audiences and media language.

Unit 3: Creating Media 

Controlled Assessment

You will need to research your chosen industry and text type, plan and produce a text and then complete a reflective account of the work undertaken.

Course Specification:

WJEC GCSE in Media Studies