Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

Music Technology – BTEC

Qualification: Pearson BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Music

Course Overview

This course will be of particular interest to you if you have an interest in music technology and are keen to follow a career in this sector. Study includes music recording technology, sound technology, mixing and sequencing and understanding music and the music industry.

You will have the opportunity to develop your skills in all of these areas and have access to industry-standard equipment and applications as you complete your work.

The grading is equivalent to one GCSE as Pass (C grade) , Merit (B grade), Distinction/Distinction * (A/A* grade)

LSP Music Department has an excellent rate of success at preparing pupils to gain very good passes in BTEC Music Technology.

Prior Learning

There is no specific prior learning requirements, but learners should enjoy working with computers, sound and music. Learners should be aware that even though 75% of the course is practical, all the practical work requires supporting evidence and evaluation in written or spoken form.

This course will provide you with the skills, knowledge and understanding for you to be able to progress to further training or study in this area

Course Content

Unit 1: The Music Industry (25%)

This unit  will  allow  you  to  gain  a  good  understanding  of  the  scope  of  the  music  industry with  a  view  to  getting  work  in  and  using  the  organisations  that  exist.  You  will  investigate music  organisations  to  find  out  about  the  work  they  do  and  how  they  relate  to  and  rely  on one  another.  You  will  also  be  given  the  opportunity  to  find  out  about  the  people  who  work in  these  organisations,  from  performers  to  people  who  work  in  technical,  production  and administrative  roles.  In Year 11,  you will sit an hour exam to assess you in this unit. 

Unit 2: Managing a Music Product (25%)

This  unit  will be carried out by the whole class and  enable  you all  to  manage  the  planning,  delivery  and  promotion  of  a  live  gig.  You will also be responsible for recruiting musical performers; finding a venue; supplying, setting up and controlling equipment.  This unit will be assessed in the Spring Term of Year 11.

Unit 6: Introducing  Music Recording (25%)

You will learn how to record, produce and master a piece of music. You  will  record  from  audio  sources  such  as  acoustic  instruments,  amplified  instruments, electronic  instruments  and  vocals.  You  will  learn  how  to  control  the  input  signals  from  real sound  sources  using  gain  and  microphone  placement.  Once  the  tracks  have  been  recorded successfully,  you  will  mix  these  sounds  together  into  a  finished  recording  using  some  basic processing  such  as  reverb,  chorus  and  EQ. 

Unit 7: Introducing Music Sequencing (25%)

You will learn how to remix your own version of a popular song using Logic Pro X .  You  will  edit  your  music  by  the  application  of  different  processes  such as  quantisation,  looping  and  note  editing,  and  enhance  the  sound  by  the  addition  of appropriate  plug-in  effects  such  as  reverb,  delay  and  distortion.  

Course Specification:

Pearson BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Music