Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

Lessons in Financial Education  

Qualification: Level 2 Certificate in Lessons in Financial Education – LIBF

Course Overview

LIFE is an accessible e-learning programme which will allow you to experience financial education on a ‘learning by doing’ basis.

Through studying for the Level 2 LiFE Certificate, you will develop a good understanding of money and finance, financial wellbeing and sustainability.

You will develop your knowledge and understanding of personal finance, and how to become competent at managing your own money.

In addition, you will explore various careers within the financial services industry and gain a valuable insight into a range of career opportunities within the financial services sector.

You will develop a wide range of transferrable skills valuable for further study in unrelated fields.  These skills will be highly valued in most organisations and job roles, particularly the financial services sector.

This qualification provides a solid foundation for further study in many areas related to the financial sector such as Level 2 and 3 qualifications in business, accounting and finance.

Prior Learning

No prior knowledge, understanding or skills are necessary for this qualification. 

Course Content

The course is made up of 3 mandatory units.

Unit 1: Your Personal Finances
In this unit, you will develop an understanding of money and sources of money. You will learn how to store money safely, how to prepare a
personal budget and learn about different types of borrowing. You will also develop your understanding of saving money, borrowing money, keeping your money safe in a modern world, understand responsible gambling and different types of insurance. This unit will help you to develop your understanding of spending and how to become competent at managing your own money.

Unit 2: Money Management for your Generation
In this unit you will develop an understanding of modern banking and the tools you can use to manage your money. You will learn where income can come from and how to understand the documentation, for example, payslips, relating to this income. You will learn about how investments work and also develop your understanding of different types of payment card, the cost of borrowing and where to go for advice. The unit will help you calculate the true cost of spending and foreign exchange and will also assist your development in making informed choices about your spending decisions and the impact they can have.

Unit 3: Financial Careers and Sustainability
In this unit you will gain an insight into, and appreciation of, different career paths within the financial services sector. You will explore how
to research and create career opportunities, understand the various routes into financial services and other industries and the key elements of making oneself employable. You will develop an understanding of how to maintain your financial wellbeing and how to be financially sustainable as you move through the personal life cycle. You will gain an understanding of how external financial factors could influence your financial future.


The course is assessed electronically.

Unit 1: 30 standalone multiple-choice questions (total marks 30), to be completed in 30 minutes.

Unit 2: 15 standalone multiple-choice questions, and 4 case studies where there are 5 questions linked to that case study and subject content (total marks 35), to be completed in 45 minutes.

Unit 3: 15 standalone multiple-choice questions, and 4 case studies where there are 5 questions linked to that case study and subject content (total marks 35), to be completed in 45 minutes.

Course Specification:

Level 2 Certificate in Lessons in Financial Education – LIBF