Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

Science – GCSE 

Qualification: WJEC GCSE AS/A Level in Science (Double Award)

Course Overview

Studying GCSE Science provides the foundations for you to begin to understand the material world. In a fast-moving and ever-changing world, an understanding of science is vital to ensure future growth and prosperity.

You will study scientific concepts through the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics and should be prepared to apply your knowledge, understanding and skills across a range of theoretical, practical, industrial and environmental contexts.

Practical work is an intrinsic part of this subject, and it plays an important part in developing your conceptual understanding of many topics. It also makes this subject more fun to learn! The transferrable skills that you will develop through studying science can be applied not only as you move on to further study in science and related subjects but also in the world of work.

You will sit a written exam for each of the units 1 – 6. Each exam is 1 hour 15 minutes and represents 15% of the qualification The papers consist of some short answer questions, structured questions, extended writing and data response questions, sometimes set in a practical context.

Higher and foundation tiers of assessment are available.

Prior Learning

There are no specific prior learning requirements, however, this course builds on the Programmes of Study for Science at KS3. This qualification should provide a suitable foundation for you to study Physics, Chemistry or Biology at AS or A- level and also any science related level 3 vocational courses in the future.

Course Content

1.1 Cells And Movement Across Cell Membranes
1.2 Respiration And The Respiratory System In Humans  1.3 Digestion And The Digestive System In Humans
1.4 Circulatory System In Humans
1.5 Plants And Photosynthesis
1.6 Ecosystems, Nutrient Cycles And Human Impact On The Environment

2.1 The Nature Of Substances And Chemical Reactions  2.2 Atomic Structure And The Periodic Table
2.3 Water
2.4 The Ever-Changing Earth
2.5 Rate Of Chemical Change

3.1 Electric Circuits
3.2 Generating Electricity
3.3 Making Use Of Energy
3.4 Domestic Electricity
3.5 Features Of Waves

4.1 Classification And Biodiversity
4.2 Cell Division And Stem Cells
4.3 Dna And Inheritance
4.4 Variation And Evolution
4.5 Response And Regulation
4.6 Disease, Defence And Treatment

5.1 Bonding, Structure And Properties
5.2 Acids, Bases And Salts
5.3 Metals And Their Extraction
5.4 Chemical Reactions And Energy
5.5 Crude Oil, Fuels And Organic Chemistry

6.1 Distance, Speed And Acceleration
6.2 Newton’s Laws
6.3 Work And Energy
6.4 Stars And Planets
6.5 Types Of Radiation
6.6 Half-Life

Practical Assessment
Coursework representing 10% of the qualification (60 marks)

Course Specification:

WJEC GCSE AS/A Level in Science (Double Award)