Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

Wales, Europe and the World
Agored Cymru 

Qualification: Agored Cymru Level 2 Certificate in Wales, Europe and the World

Course Overview

Wales, Europe and the World (WEW) enables you to develop your understanding of life in Wales, the UK, Europe and it’s place in the World

You will develop your skills, knowledge, and understanding through a range of contexts including political, social, economic, and cultural.

You will learn to understand how your life is part of a local and global picture and understand how political issues affect you.  In addition, you will participate in cultural activities, understand the effects of poverty and how wealth is created, and how we can make changes to improve the lives of others.

Prior Learning

No prior knowledge, understanding or skills are necessary for this qualification. 

Course Content

The course comprises a wide range of level 1 and level 2 units, including:

  • Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
  • The Traditions and Customs of Wales
  • Understanding the Economy of Wales
  • Leisure Time in Wales
  • Politics and Government of Wales
  • Local History of Wales: People and Places
  • Physical Geography and Climate of Wales

For each unit completed and assessed, you will earn a number of credits.  To achieve this qualification, you will need to earn a total of 13 credits, at least 7 of which will need to be at Level 2.

Assessment is continuous over the two years, there is no final examination.  You must show evidence demonstrating your achievement of all learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.

Course Specification:

Agored Cymru Level 2 Certificate in Wales, Europe and the World