Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

Welsh – GCSE 

Qualification: WJEC GCSE in Welsh Second Language

Course Overview

There is no doubt about the importance of Welsh in today’s jobs market. Careers ranging from medicine, dentistry, journalism, teaching, the Civil Service, Government and business can all require knowledge of Welsh.

Welsh is increasingly used as a business language. In the public sector, customer-orientated services must be provided bilingually. 

In this course, you will build on your knowledge of Welsh from Key Stage 3 and develop a solid grounding for further study.  

You will advance your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as you communicate and interact confidently and spontaneously in relevant situations and specified contexts.  The contexts for learning the language is organised under three broad themes:

  • Employment
  • Wales and the World
  • Youth

There are two internal assessments that will test your speaking and listening skills and two external assessments that will test your reading and writing skills.

Prior Learning

There are no specific prior learning requirements, however, this course builds on the subject content taught at Key Stage 3. This qualification should prepare you to be able to study Welsh Second Language at AS or A-level.

Course Content

The course comprises 4 units:

Unit 1:

  • Oracy response to visual material
  • Non-examination assessment (NEA)
  • 10% speaking, 15% listening

Unit 2:  

  • Communicate with others
  • Non-examination assessment (NEA)
  • A pair/group discussion
  • 20% speaking, 5% listening

Unit 3:  

  • Report, specific and instructional
  • Written exam 1 hour 30 mins
  • 15% reading, 10% writing

Unit 4:

  • Oracy response to visual material
  • Non-examination assessment (NEA)
  • 10% reading, 15% writing

Course Specification:

WJEC GCSE in Welsh Second Language