Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm

Art & Design – A Level

Taught at: Idris Davies School, Lewis Girls’ School, Lewis School Pengam
Qualification: WJEC GCE AS/A Level in Art & Design

Course Overview

The main purpose of the course is to provide students with the opportunity of experiencing a whole range of activities within the context of art, craft and design. The course will enable students to explore a theme through visual media such as painting and drawing, printing, ceramics, 3D, textiles, graphics and photography.

Course Entry Requirements

Minimum grade ‘C’ in Art and Design GCSE or equivalent qualification. Or a portfolio of evidence displaying drawing ability.

To be welcomed back to sixth form you’ll need at least 5 GCSEs graded A* – C, two of which must be English & Mathematics. We offer resit lessons in English & Mathematics if you don’t achieve the required grades.

Course Specification:

WJEC GCE AS/A Level in Art & Design

Course Content

The course comprises three modules. The Coursework Portfolio (Personal Creative Enquiry) for AS will demonstrate different skills and processes developed from a starting point that the department will have chosen and a body of work of the students chosen topic.

The Personal Investigation for A Level is based on themes and subject matter developed from personal starting points, candidates will communicate their understanding through integrated images and texts. The Controlled Assignment at A Level is an exam set by the exam board. It involves a focused study on an exam question followed by a practical outcome under exam conditions.

Assessment /Examinations

AS    Unit 1   Coursework Portfolio (40%)

A2    Unit 2   Personal Investigation (36%)

         Unit 3   Controlled Assignment (15 hours) (24%)