Good luck to all our learners with their PE moderation Tuesday ……… KS4 Information evening, Thursday 13th Feb 4:30 pm


Our Attendance Staff

Our attendance team is made up of 3 members of staff:

SchoolStaff MemberPhone Number
Lower SchoolMiss Kayleigh Davies01443 873918
Middle SchoolMr Matthew Lewis01443 873873
Upper SchoolMrs Zoey Penrose01443 873908

Or you can email:

We aim for each pupil to achieve above 95% attendance at the end of the academic year. We provide support to families to achieve this target or higher. We communicate on as many platforms as possible. You can find us on Facebook as well as via email and telephone.

It is understandable that at times there are mitigating circumstances in relation to a lower attendance figure, particularly recently, we support each case on an individual basis.

We work closely with the Education Welfare Service to ensure that all pupils can access school regularly.